How NEC can benefit your Dental Practice

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NEC Universe Blue Connect can make your dental practice faster, and more effective. Communication is a key component in dental practices, and harnessing the power of NEC Universe Blue Connect is the best way to achieve seamless communication between you, your staff and your customers. NEC Universe Blue Connect uses different techniques to create an all-in-one solution for your communication needs. NEC Universe Blue Connect tools are easily accessible from any location, at any time, giving you the edge over competitors, enabling:

  • Quick access to patient records

  • quick return calls

  • well informed customers 

  • Hands free dialling 

  • and more...

If you experiment with any of the following NEC could massively help your business:

  • Call traffic stress for receptionists
  • The cosmetic dental work business needs a boost
  • Missing important calls
  • GDPR Compliance
  • No hands-free calling for dental staff

How can NEC Blue Connect help?

Quick access to patient records – automatic screen-pops with incoming calls, View patient records instantly, quick return calls with click-to-dial. This is great for a busy reception area and busy phones, or if you have limited staff.

quick return calls/ missed calls - call management allows you to return calls with a single click. Perfect if you get a lot of abandoned calls or voicemails.

well-informed customers – on-hold marketing tools - free advertising, reduces abandoned calls, generate a new revenue stream, boosts any cosmetic treatments you might offer.

Hands-free dialling - Busy with a patient, worried about hygiene risks, to make unanswered calls? Hands-free can enhance communication as it allows you to answer any calls by hands fee.

GDPR Compliance - Dental practices deal with extensive customer records which can mean stuff gets missed when a customer uses the 'right to be forgotten' but with the remove personal information feature everything can be deleted in one swoop.

Environmental impact

It has been found that on average 46% of companies that have utilised Unified Communications, realise travel savings of more than 5 days per employee annually. With the public increasingly concerned about being “green,” the implication of UC can considerably cut travel time and therefore the carbon footprint of the corporation. This also means more time spent getting the job done, rather than spent on unnecessary travel.


NEC is worth looking into for your dentist practice especially if it suffers from any of the problems talked about in the second paragraph. It can make the day-to-day for you and your employees run smoother and your client's lives easier. Not to mention the sustainability aspect of it can help your dental practice have a greener future. By speaking to one of our experts today we can go through your options and create the best solution for you.

Contact us today: 0330 222 0330 | |

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