Cloud Computing Explained

Cloud computing provides a way for your business to access and manage your computing resources online.

'The Cloud' is the internet and 'operating' in the cloud is the way you store and access data.

You use the cloud every day

Traditionally, people ran applications from software downloaded on a physical computer in the building

Cloud computing allows you to access applications from any device, anywhere in the world.

One big example: Gmail.

Things to consider

There's different types of cloud computing, each with different levels of access and security

Private Cloud

The services and infrastructure are managed & maintained by you. (or a third party)

This option reduces security risks and will suit you if your data are a core part of your business.

Community Cloud

A community cloud exists where organisations share access to a private cloud with similar security considerations.

For example: a series of franchises own public clouds but they are hosted remotely in a private environment.

Public Cloud

A public cloud is where the services are stored off site and accessed over the internet

the storage is managed by an external org. (think Google and Microsoft)

This service offers the greatest level of flexibility and cost saving. But is also the least secure.

Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud takes advantage of both public and private cloud services.

You spread your options across multiple cloud models and gain the benefits of each.

For example a public cloud for emails while keeping sensitive data behind your private cloud.

What are the benefits of Cloud Computing?

Flexibility - It's ideal for business with growing or fluctuating bandwidth

Disaster Recovery - Cloud is now helping more businesses adapt to the trend, especially smaller companies.

Work from anywhere - If you've got an internet connection, you can be at work. Businesses can offer more flexible working for employees.

Security - Cloud computing gives you greater security in all digital aspects of your business.

Increased Collaboration - Your team can access, edit and share documents anytime from anywhere, they're able to do more together.

Maximise on Cloud Computing!